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Old Adelaide Gaol Paranormal Lockin

*Please Note: This is a Paranormal Lockin, Not a Ghost Crime Tour.

You will be provided with Professional Paranormal Direction Equipment to use, Along with training and supervision from experienced Paranormal Investigators.

It is advised that you book the corresponding Ghost Crime Tour prior to doing this Paranormal Lockin, So you get a feel for the History & Stories of this Location.

This extremely haunted old Gaol was home to some of Adelaide’s most hardened criminals, this prison housed inmates such as John Balaban, who was responsible for one of Adelaide's most notorious crimes.

Balaban went on a killing spree at the former Sunshine Cafe on Gouger Street (also known as Cane Corner), victims included his wife, and his step son Phillip, who was only 6 years old. When asked why did you kill the child, his response was along the lines ‘well I didn’t want the child growing up with out a Mother’. This madman was hung in the Gaol on the 26th of August, 1953.

Legend has it his ghost is still seen by guests and tour guides in the Gaol today…. We take you to his grave where the only marks that identify his remains are his initials on the wall ‘JB”.

Listen to the tales of the 43 other condemned men who saw out their final days within the walls of the Adelaide Gaol. We take you to the gallows to see the hangman’s noose and trapdoor that sealed the fate of these condemned individuals.

We tell you the sad story of Elizabeth Woodcock, who was convicted of poisoning her husband under tragic circumstances, and paid the ultimate price by being sentenced to death. Elizabeth was the first and only woman in South Australia to be lawfully executed, and this all took place within the cold stone walls of the Adelaide Gaol.

See where the prisoners had their daily meals, visit the exercise yard were violence often erupted, and investigate the condemned mans cell and retrace their final moments before execution. Find out and investigate the areas where prison guards refused to do night duty, and hear the tales of footsteps being heard and keys being rattled from the staff and volunteers as their stories are re-lived.

Our tour guides show you footage of investigations conducted within the Gaol, and share the evidence of the afterlife that has been captured! Ghost Crime Tours will provide you with all the equipment you will need including EMF detectors, voice recording equipment and we will make sure that there are experienced investigators there to guide you along this unique experience.

So if you think you are ready to visit South Australia’s most haunted establishment, then book now and secure your spot on the next Adelaide Gaol Paranormal Lockin

Old Adelaide Gaol Video Clips

Adelaide Gaol Ghost Crime Tour

Frequently Asked Questions

Like our Facebook page below for upcoming dates, or view the booking section on this webpage below for the next lockin date.

All current pricing and availability can be found at https://ghost-crime-tours.rezdy.com/

This Paranormal Lock-in goes for around 3 to 3.5 hours in total. Some involve going up some stairs or over uneven surfaces so please wear suitable footwear for this.

Unfortunately Ghost Crime Tours cannot control the weather and if we simply can’t safely investigate in the conditions then we will honour your booking for an alternative date of your choosing.

No one under the age of 18 are allowed to attend our a Paranormal Lockin, no exceptions!

Yes you are more than welcome to take as many photos as you like. All we ask is that you are respectful of those around you and when using flash photography please don’t blind anyone while we’re investigating.

Yes in some circumstances we can offer this for you. Simply send us your request with what you require and we will let you know what available options there are for your group.

Dude seriously! No you’re not guaranteed to see a “real ghost” nobody could ever guarantee such a thing without using some fake theatrics which is not what we’re about.

11:00pm for admin, then investigation will start at 11:30pm on the dot with or with out you!

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