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Old Adelaide Gaol Ghost Crime Tour

Come on a tour like no other as Ghost Crime Tours is very proud to announce that we can now take you to one of the most actively haunted locations in Australia – The Old Adelaide Gaol!

Originally built in 1841, the Adelaide gaol and Government house are the two oldest buildings in South Australia. The gaol was open between 1841 to 1988 some 147 years, with sixty six executions by hanging happing in South Australia, the Adelaide Gaol saw 45 of them. This is a tour that is sure not to disappoint as there are so many tales to tell on this tour.

From the amazing history and design of the gaol that ran way over budget and nearly bankrupted the new state before it had even opened and received its first guest, to the approx. 300000 inmates that had the displeasure of being housed here.

Among the executions at the gaol was John Balaban, possibly Australia’s first serial killer. John Balaban was convicted of one of Australia's most sadistic killers; he confessed to killing five people in as many years and was executed by hanging at the Adelaide Gaol on 26th August 1953.

Come on our tour of the Old Adelaide gaol and hear the story of Elizabeth Woolcock, the only women to be executed in South Australia, did she deserve to be hung? There are many who believe then and still believe today that this was not justice and that she was unfairly treated, however we will tell you the facts of the case and simply let you be the judge.

There are also those who say that Elizabeth still walks the gaol to this day, come on our tour and you could be lucky enough to meet her?

Ghosts Crime Tours is very excited to be offering to you our tours of the Old Adelaide Gaol, with all that has happened here is there any wonder that there are now so many reported ghosts roaming these walls to this day.

If these walls could only talk….or maybe they do?

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Adelaide Gaol Ghost Crime Tour

Frequently Asked Questions

Our tours are usually held on a Saturday evening. However during school holidays, History Month and The Fringe, we host Friday night tours as well.

All current pricing and availability can be found at https://ghost-crime-tours.rezdy.com/

We do walk on all of our tours.
We have exclusive access to the entire Gaol complex. We walk around for the entire 2-2.5 hours of the tour.

Unfortunately Ghost Crime Tours cannot control the weather and if we simply can’t safely walk in the conditions then we will honour your booking for an alternative date of your choosing.

We only allow people over the age of 16 years on our tours. Anyone under the age of 18 must also be accompanied by an adult.

Yes you are more than welcome to take as many photos as you like. All we ask is that you are respectful of those around you and when using flash photography please don’t blind anyone while we’re walking.

Dude seriously! No you’re not guaranteed to see a “real ghost” nobody could ever guarantee such a thing without using some fake theatrics which is not what we’re about.

The entire evening is hosted inside the Old Adelaide Gaol at 18 Gaol Road, Thebarton. There is plenty of parking on site.

Our tours all begin at 8.30pm. We recommend you are there by 8.15pm as the tour guide will still need to sign everyone in and make sure everyone has arrived prior to the tour.

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